


Heya there, welcome to my page, Feel free to look around! I go by the names Jade, Majima, and Hannya. If you want to learn more about me, go to my about page.

This will likely be a place for me to express my art and interest, which you will also be able to find on this website. I mainly draw anthro animals as I haven't practiced drawing humans too much, so expect alot of ocs that are anthro.

Even though this uses a template (link to the original creator at the bottom right corner), this website is something I wanted to do how much control and creativity you can have over it due to the accesbilty to custom coding. Compared to other websites where you can barely get any customisation at all.

Current Online Status

Updated: 22/12/2023

I don't know if or when I'll be posting on my socials again, as I've somewhat taken a break from my socials like Tumblr. I plan to post again somepoint soon, probably gonna be RGG/Yakuza stuff if it isn't my own art of my oc's. Maybe some stuff to do with Bloodmoon (a fandom wide fan character of FNAf:SB) possibly.


Send a message and feel free to ask questions in my chatbox!

Update Box

Updated: 8/01/2024

Worked on pages more today and yesterday, added links and socials to the socials bit in the about page, added more images and fixed spelling mistakes, cleaned up some of the pages a bit.


    Work on the gallery page, add images and work on the fandom/original character pages.

    Keep cleaning up and adding things to pages that need it.

    Make a to do list and add it somewhere.